Monday 30 March 2009

Red wine

Love the stuff

Anyway, flashed some cash at Travelling Man yesterday and it was totally worth it.

I've finally read Batman: R.I.P and I'd normally give you my opinion on it but I honestly can't tell if it's good or bad. And that probably means it's bad.

As much as many people will be annoyed to hear this, I've really gone off Grant Morrison recently (Final Crisis had a crap ending) but Matt Wagner? That's a different kettle of phish.

I love Sandman (all of them in the DCU, expect Daniel, not read any of that Sandman but I'll get round to it because I like his mum and dad and nearly cried when they left JSA! Anyway) and I recently bought the most recent Sandman Mystery Theatre as I have them all so far so, I bought Volume 7 and I'm now (literally) up to the second part of the second story and it's spot on as usual.

Wagner and Steven T. Seagle (no relation I'm sure) write a puzzling and well...mysterious storyline which is presented amazingly by Guy Stevens by and the covers by Gavin Wilson make me want to take some SMT style photos of my own...hmm...

Anyway I hope ot have up a badly drawn, badly concieved idea for a 6th Doctor story tomorrow so stay tuned kids! But knowing me, It will be up in 6 months!

See you in April!
