Wednesday, 7 January 2009


Well things haven't been going so great.


I have had the chance to read many graphic novels over the holidays and of all the ones I've read I recommend that you buy Animal Man volumes 1-3, purely because of the fact that the legendary Grant Morrison makes Animal Man aware of the fact that he is a comic book character and also Sandman Mystery Theatre: Sleep of Reason. I've been a huge fan of the original Mystery Theatre series and this one off about photographer Keiran Marshall going to Afgahnistan during the war and finding Wesley Dodds' old gas mask and gun is amazingly interesting to read and also contain a unique story of Wes and his partner Dian in the later days of their lives.

Now I promised that I would have more to show but I have yet to invest in a scanner! Hopefully I shall be able to use the ones at my college (Bury College for those who are interested) tomorrow as I have some free time so, stay tuned!

Rock On


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